Apple Pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) HOSUI


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Apple Pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) HOSUI
Specifications | |
Height at sale | 160cm |
Pot | 5L |
Rootstock | Kaukazska |
Sell as | 2 year old |
Ripening time | September |
Estimated date of sale | May |
Estimated date of sale May 2025
- Stock: Preparing
- Model: Pyrus pyrifolia
- The Hosui pear, also known as the Japanese pear, is a popular pear variety grown in Japan and other parts of the world. Hosui is a medium-sized tree that grows upright with a straight crown. Its height ranges from about 3 to 4.5 meters. Young trees have spreading branches that gradually merge into a dense crown with well-spaced branches.
- Hosui pear blooms in spring, usually in April. Its flowers are white and form clusters. The pear is cross-pollinated, with other Asian pears serving as suitable pollinators.
- Hosui pears have an oval shape, weighing approximately 200 grams. The skin is smooth and can have a golden-yellow to greenish-yellow color, depending on the degree of ripeness. There may be fine dots or spots on the surface. The fruits have an attractive appearance that catches the eye.
- The flesh of Hosui pears is creamy-white and has a delicate, juicy, and delicious texture. The taste is sweet, crispy, and refreshing with a mild acidity. Hosui pears are favored for their excellent flavor and are suitable for fresh consumption as well as for cooking, baking, and making jams and compotes.
- Hosui pears usually ripen in September. They can be harvested when they reach their full size and color.
- One of the advantages of Hosui pears is their long storage life. They can last several months when stored in a refrigerator.
- The preferred growing conditions for the Hosui pear tree include a sunny position. The plant thrives in moderate to warm climates and is suitable for various types of well-drained soils.
- When cultivating Japanese pears, it is important to provide regular watering during dry periods and ensure sufficient moisture. Mulching around the tree's root system helps retain moisture and suppress weed growth. Additionally, regular pruning is important to maintain the tree's shape, improve air circulation, and stimulate fruit growth.
- It's important to note that the specific positioning and growing conditions can influence the height, spread, and shape of the Hosui pear tree.