Apple Pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) NIJISSEIKI


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Apple Pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) NIJISSEIKI
Specifications | |
Height at sale | 160cm |
Pot | 5L |
Rootstock | Kaukazska |
Sell as | 2 year old |
Ripening time | August/September |
Estimated date of sale | May |
Estimated date of sale May 2025
- Stock: Preparing
- Model: Pyrus pyrifolia
- The Japanese pear variety Nijisseiki, also known as Niitaka pear, is one of the popular cultivars of Japanese pears. This variety originates from Japan.
- The Nijisseiki pear tree is of medium size and grows upright, reaching a height of approximately 4 to 5 meters. It has strong branches and a uniform crown. This tree is known for its disease resistance and high productivity.
- Nijisseiki pear blooms usually occur in April or May. Its flowers are creamy white and cluster together. The blooming period is a significant moment in the growth cycle of this variety and contributes to the aesthetic appeal of gardens or orchards.
- The fruits of Nijisseiki pear have a round shape with a smooth skin. They have a greenish-yellow color with fine dots. The size of the fruits ranges from medium to large, averaging about 150 grams in weight. The flesh of the fruits is creamy white, juicy, and has a fine texture. The taste of the flesh is sweet with a mild acidity and a refreshing finish.
- Nijisseiki pears ripen in summer, typically in August and September. They are harvestable when they reach full maturity and color. Nijisseiki pears have good storage ability and can be stored for several months in the refrigerator.
- When cultivating Nijisseiki pear, it is important to provide a sunny location and well-drained soil. The plant prefers a moderate to warm climate and requires sufficient moisture. Regular watering, proper pruning, and fertilization contribute to the healthy growth and yields of this variety.