BIO Peach-apricot (Prunus persica) HONEYSUN

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BIO Peach-apricot (Prunus persica) HONEYSUN
Specifications | |
Height at sale | 140cm |
Pot | 7l |
Sell as | 1 year old |
The standard delivery time is 3-4 working days.
We send goods on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, by agreement also Thursday or Friday.
We send goods on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, by agreement also Thursday or Friday.
- Stock: In Stock
- Model: Prunus persica
- The Honey Peach variety "HONEYSUN" is a cross between a peach and an apricot. This new fruit variety offers a fresh and amazing taste experience for fruit enthusiasts. Prunus persica "HONEYSUN" combines all the benefits of both peaches and apricots.
- The tree grows compactly, reaching a mature height of 3-4 meters. Regular pruning is recommended.
- The "HONEYSUN" peach variety is self-pollinating. It blooms in April with white-pink flowers.
- The fruits of the Honey Peach "HONEYSUN" ripen in August and have a size of 120-140g. "HONEYSUN" has a distinct sweet honey flavor and juicy aromatic flesh. Their surface is smooth and yellow.
- The fruits of the Honey Peach "HONEYSUN" can be consumed fresh or added to salads, compotes, jams, or other desserts. They are also suitable for canning.
- "HONEYSUN" is a hybrid variety that originated from the crossbreeding of different peach varieties. It requires ample space and regular care to ensure a healthy and productive plant.