Cornelian Cherry Dogwood (Cornus mas) FRUCHTAL

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Cornelian Cherry Dogwood (Cornus mas) FRUCHTAL
Specifications | |
Height at sale | 100cm |
Pot | 2l |
Sell as | 1 year old |
Ripening time | August/September |
The standard delivery time is 3-4 working days.
We send goods on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, by agreement also Thursday or Friday.
We send goods on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, by agreement also Thursday or Friday.
- Stock: In Stock
- Model: Cornus mas
- Fruchtal is an Austrian variety of dogwood with dark, medium-sized fruits and high fertility.
- The large-fruited dogwood has an interesting growth habit, in the first year it can grow up to 50cm, but the older it gets, the slower it grows. It is ideal for growing in our area but also tolerates higher altitudes. It grows upright.
- Dogwood is partially self-pollinating, but for a good crop and large fruit it is advisable to have a pollinator in the form of another variety.
- Flowering begins in March, The flower tolerates well even spring frosts.
- The fruits are oval in shape, dark red, medium sized 6g. There is a stone in the centre. The taste is refreshing sweet and sour very tasty.
- The fruit of the dogwood is ideal for direct consumption, it contains many vitamins, minerals, anthocyanin dyes and polyphenols. Adequate watering is needed as the fruit ripens. They can also be boiled to make juices, jams or liqueurs. They fall from the bush when ripe.
- The FRUCHTAL variety is a medium-early variety, ripening in August-September.
- The variety is very prolific, one mature tree will produce up to 40kg of fruit.
- The cultivation of the dogwoods is undemanding. We can expect a harvest in the first year after planting.
- Dogwood does not require pruning, but shaping pruning is possible. Dogwood trees root shallowly, so regular watering is advisable. It is recommended to fertilise with potassium as the leaves dry.
- It is sufficiently resistant to pests and diseases.