Honeysuckle-Haskap CZULIMSKAYA


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Honeysuckle-Haskap CZULIMSKAYA
Specifications | |
Height at sale | 70-80cm |
Pot | C2 |
Sell as | 3 years old |
Ripening time | Juny |
- Stock: Preparing
- Model: Lonicera caerulea
- Licensed variety blueberry (Lonicera caerulea) CZULIMSKAYA was registered in Russia in 2005.
- The bush is compact, not very large, spherical in shape. It reaches a height of 1.4 m and width of 1.2 m. The new shoots are erect and hang down at the ends.
- Flowering time is in April, fruiting is at the end of June, harvest time is very long.
- The fruits are elongated, oval, dark blue in color, with a waxy coating. They are on average 1.6 g in size. The taste is sweet and sour. The fruits of CZULIMSKAYA blueberry are hard and therefore suitable for mechanical or manual harvesting. They tolerate transportation well. They are suitable for direct consumption and freezing.
- It should be remembered that blueberry without cross-pollination is very poor fruiting, a pollinator with the same flowering time is always suitable. Although the variety is partially self-pollinating, without pollination by another variety the harvest is poor and the berries are very small. The best pollinators for CZULIMSKAYA are Docz Velikana, Vostorg, Bakczarsky Velikan.
- It is also suitable as a pollinator for other varieties.
- The planting height for manual harvesting should be 1.5 m.
- Pruning blueberry is sufficient after 4 years after planting. The first pruning is carried out in the fifth year, removing the old shoots. This will give the plant more light, which is ideal for the formation and ripening of fruit. Pruning can be done after harvest or before flowering.
- It does not require acidic soil and will thrive in any nutrient-rich garden loam.
- The variety is completely hardy and the flowers tolerate frost to -8 degrees well.
- It is insensitive to pests and diseases.