
Honeysuckle-Haskap KARINA

Honeysuckle-Haskap KARINA - Tutifruti SK
Honeysuckle-Haskap KARINA - Tutifruti SK
Honeysuckle-Haskap KARINA - Tutifruti SK
Honeysuckle-Haskap KARINA - Tutifruti SK
Honeysuckle-Haskap KARINA
Height at sale30-40cm
Sell as3 years old
Ripening timeMay
  • Stock: Preparing
  • Model: Lonicera caerulea
  • Kamchatka blueberry KARINA is an early Polish variety. A variety suitable for consumption in the raw state drying, freezing. 
  • The bush grows vigorously reaching a height of about 2m . It has strong skeletal branches. It grows healthily.
  • The fruits are blue with a waxy coating, pear-shaped. It has a firm skin. The taste is sweet, slightly sour, with a good aroma. Under ideal conditions, the yield per bush can be up to 4 kg. KARINA. The fruit ripens in the first half of May, so it is one of the earliest varieties.
  • Let's not forget that Kamchatka blueberries fruit very poorly without cross-pollination, a pollinator with the same flowering period is always suitable. Although the variety is partially self-pollinating , without pollination by another variety the crop is poor and the berries are very small. The best pollinators for KARINA are Wojtek, Atut, Morena.
  • Planting of plants at manual harvest should be 1,5m . To make pollination even more efficient.
  • Cutting Kamchatka blueberry is sufficient after 4 years from planting. The first pruning in the fifth year is done by removing the old shoots. This gives the plant more light, which is ideal for fruit formation and ripening. Pruning can be done after harvest or before flowering.
  • It does not require acidic soil and thrives in any nutrient-rich garden loam. 
  • This variety is fully hardy and the flowers tolerate frosts down to -8 well.
  • It is not susceptible to pests , or diseases.

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