
Hybrid plum KOLONOVIDNAJA- columnar

Hybrid plum KOLONOVIDNAJA- columnar - Tutifruti SK
Hybrid plum KOLONOVIDNAJA- columnar - Tutifruti SK
Hybrid plum KOLONOVIDNAJA- columnar - Tutifruti SK
Hybrid plum KOLONOVIDNAJA- columnar - Tutifruti SK
Hybrid plum KOLONOVIDNAJA- columnar
Verkaufen als1 Jahre alt
Die Standardlieferzeit beträgt 2-3 Werktage.
Wir versenden Waren am Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, nach Absprache auch Donnerstag oder Freitag.
  • Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager
  • Model: Prunus
  • In our area, less known hybrid of column plum KOLONOVIDNAJA It is suitable for gardeners in peripheral areas with cold winters and unstable spring weather, where classic plums do not do so well. It is valued for its tasty fruit, compact shape and high hardiness.
  • Upright, columnar, moderately dense.
  • The hybrid plum variety KOLONOVIDNAYA is partially self-pollinating. To increase the quality and quantity of fruit, other varieties of hybrid plum, Japanese plum or myrobalan are suitable pollinators. Both flowers and fruits are resistant to light frost.
  • Fruits are medium sized, ovoid about 40g. The colour of the fruit is purple .The fruit has a firm skin with a fine waxy coating. They are suitable for direct consumption or processing, they do not lose quality when transported.
  • The taste is sweet and sour, juicy and aromatic. The skin is partially separable from the flesh.
  • It ripens in July/August. It comes into full bearing early.
  • It likes permeable, fertile soil. Adequate watering is recommended during the period of fruit formation. The trees can be planted all year round, they have a fully developed root system, thus increasing the onset of full fruiting.
  • It is also suitable for marginal areas because of its late flowering. It is undemanding to cultivate and likes a sunny position.
  • It has a high resistance to diseases and viruses.  It is suitable for organic cultivation without the use of sprays.

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