Sour Cherry (Prunus cerasus) PANDY

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Sour Cherry (Prunus cerasus) PANDY
Specifications | |
Height at sale | 160cm |
Pot | 5l |
Rootstock | Mahalebka |
Sell as | 3 year old |
Ripening time | July |
The standard delivery time is 3-4 working days.
We send goods on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, by agreement also Thursday or Friday.
We send goods on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, by agreement also Thursday or Friday.
- Stock: In Stock
- Model: Prunus cerasus
- PANDY is an excellent old variety of cherry originating from Central Europe. Its advantage lies in the excellent quality of its fruits. It can be cultivated even in colder higher-altitude areas.
- The cherry is grafted onto Mahaleb rootstock, which guarantees a moderately strong growth of the tree. The tree forms a spreading crown, with branches extending sideways.
- The blooming of the PANDY cherry depends on the climatic conditions and geographic location. Generally, it blooms in April or May. It is a self-pollinating variety, suitable also as a pollinator for other cherries and sour cherries.
- The fruits of the PANDY cherry are medium-sized, red in color, and weigh approximately 5 to 7 grams. They are juicy and have a sweet taste with a slight acidity. They ripen in July. PANDY cherry provides a regular and moderately abundant yield. The fruits have good resistance to cracking even during excessive rainfall.
- It prefers a sunny location. It enters into fruitfulness very early, and the yields are high and regular. This variety is suitable for commercial orchards as well as for home gardeners, especially for fresh consumption, preservation, freezing, and the production of liqueurs and distillates.
- It is sufficiently resistant to diseases and pests, making it suitable for organic cultivation without the use of sprays.